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- CData 4680 (majestix)
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Hardware Projects
- Cyber Disk Emulator
- MUNIAC Vacuum Tube Computer
Team Members:
- John G. Zabolitzky
- Alexander Mann
- Freddy Meerwaldt
- Wolfgang Stief
In memory of:
- Seymour Cray
- Control Data Corp
- Cray Research
- Cray Computer Corp

Control Data 4680 (majestix)

Click on the image to enlarge
Times of operation:
Machine Type:
Control Data 4680-MP
Serial number:
Year of introduction:
CPU Type:
MIPS R6000 @ 60 MHz (RISC CPU, ECL technology)
512 kByte cache
Number of processors:
2 |
Main memory:
256 MByte
Word length:
32 bit
Binary compatibility:
All Control Data 4xxx machines
MIPS <= R6000
Local storage:
2x SCSI Hard Disks Seagate ST410800N - 9 GB each
One Archive Viper QIC-150 Tape drive
A Metrum RSS-48b tape robot
Network connectivity:
10 MBit Ethernet
125 MBit FDDI
Specified performance:
40.6 SPECint92 (per CPU)
45.1 SPECfp92 (per CPU)
11 MFlops (per CPU)
62 MIPS (per CPU)
Measured peak performance:
about 7 MFlops (per CPU)
Operating system:
EP/IX 2.2.1AA (UNIX-based (choose between SysV or BSD43 style))
Commercial products installed:
ANSI C Compiler, F77 Compiler, RISCwindows, NQS, FDDI
Free software installed (/usr/local):
GNU Tar 1.13, Bash 2.05b (your login shell), g(un)zip
Donated by:
Münchener Rechenzentrum
Links related to this machine:
- EP/IX software porting guide (by Cray-Cyber)
On-line documentation may be accessed via the man command when logged in.