Recommended reading
Short guides written by the Cray-Cyber team:
- Short guide to vector programming/parallelization
- Short form NOS commands
- Short usage guide for NOS systems
- Short usage guide for NOS/VE
- Short usage guide for logging on to
The NOS and NOS/VE Editors make extensive use of the VT100 Terminal
Emulation function keys and shifted function keys. Thanks to
Markus Mueller you may
find here a description of the
NOS Function Keys
and NOS/VE Function keys
Manuals available for download:
- J. E. Thornton, Design of a Computer, The CDC 6600
- See our Documentation download section
- Vectorization Guide by Cray Reasearch, Inc.
- Vectorization Guide by Prof. Pounds, Mercer Univ.
- Bitsavers repository of CDC documents
- Bitsavers repository of CDC 6x00 documents useful for Cyber960/NOS
- Bitsavers repository of Cray documents
Books which can be bought:
- Murray, "The Supermen" - a comprehensive source for information on Seymour Cray, ERA, Control Data and Cray Research, Inc.
- David E. Lundstrom, A few good men from UNIVAC published by Replica Books, 1997 (first published by MIT Press, 1987) - another book on CDC
- Emerson W. Pugh, Lyle R. Johnson, John H. Palmer, IBM's 360 and early 370 systems, published by MIT Press 1991 - contains some remarks about the concerns of IBM about CDC
- Engineering Research Associates, High Speed Computing Devices (original edition McGraw-Hill 1950) - provides information on ERA.
CDC and Cray machine architectures are discussed in any good book on computer architecture.