General Links:
- Start Page
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Live Information:
- Webcams
- Diary
- Access Request
- Terms of usage
- A/Detaching sessions
- Transfering files
Information area:
- Press
- History
About the systems:
- Cray Y-MP EL (yel)
- Cyber 960 (cy960)
- Cyber 860 (cy860)
- Cyber 830 (phoenix)
- Desktop Cyber (dtcyber)
- Control Data Net (cdcnet)
- SGI Origin 2000 (o2000)
- CData 4680 (majestix)
- Sun Enterprise 10000 (e10k)
- Cray T3E (t3e)
- NEC SX-4B (sx4b)
- NEC UP4800/675 (siox)
- Cray J916 (uhu)
- Cray J932 (huh)
- Cray C90
- Cray T3D
- Fujitsu VPP300 (vpp)
- Bull DPS 6000
- Login server (server)
- Successful SW-Ports
- System Logbooks
- Search engine
- List of all books
- Suggested reading
- CDC Models
- Papers & Talks
- On German Computers
- General pictures
- Deinstallation of CY830s
- CDC Cyber Boards
- Tours day on Nov 23rd 2002
- Tours day on Nov 29th 2003
- Tours day on Nov 27th 2004
- Picking up a Cray J932
- Acquisition of IPPs Cray J916
- The move
- The renovation
- Vintage computer rooms
- Operating a DEC10
- Screenshots CC545
- Air Conditioning
- Cyber 2000 from Zurich (external)
- Moving to datArena (external, short overview)
- Moving to datArena (external, long version)
Hardware Projects
- Cyber Disk Emulator
- MUNIAC Vacuum Tube Computer
Team Members:
- John G. Zabolitzky
- Alexander Mann
- Freddy Meerwaldt
- Wolfgang Stief
In memory of:
- Seymour Cray
- Control Data Corp
- Cray Research
- Cray Computer Corp

Tours day on Saturday, November 29th 2003
This was our 2nd tours day and it was quite a success. We had about 150 visitors
in our computer rooms in munich.
Unfortunately, Murphy dogged us, this time, too as the 405 card reader was
defective (see diary entry from Saturday, Dec 6th 2003) and the tape drives
were also not fully functional.
Nevertheless we had great fun and we hope the visitors had, too.
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