I heard about the Cray-Cyber project the first time at VCFE 3.0. At this time, Cray-Cyber wasn’t a real project, but more a private collection of some vintage supercomputers. I heard about it a second time, when John G. Zabolitzky and Gaby Chaundry were on air at C-RaDaR (Chaosradio Darmstadt), talking about several aspects in vintage computing. In January 2003 I joined the project with my first actions taken in March 2003: accompany the team at the complete renovation of the server room (which really was quite a lot of work…).
In real life, I’m worked as system engineer — specialized on Sun/Solaris — in a small company near Munich for 12 years. Since 2011 I’m self-employed, in 2012 I co-founded sys4 AG, where I’m part of the board of directors and responsible for project management and accounting. In Cray-Cyber, my main focus is on hardware (power distribution, cooling, peripherals, bus systems etc.) as well as operating systems. At home, I collect books on CPU architectures, computer systems architectures, and Unix.
Find more information about me and my social media activities here.